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Every Friday and Saturday from 21:00 till late
console.log('Error playing sound:', error)); " @mouseenter="toastsHovered=true;" @mouseleave="toastsHovered=false" x-init=" notificationSound = document.getElementById('notificationSound'); if(layout == 'expanded'){ expanded = true; } stackToasts(); $watch('toastsHovered', function(value){ if(layout == 'default'){ if(position.includes('bottom')){ resetBottom(); } else { resetTop(); } if(value){ // calculate the new positions expanded = true; if(layout == 'default'){ stackToasts(); } } else { if(layout == 'default'){ expanded = false; //setTimeout(function(){ stackToasts(); //}, 10); setTimeout(function(){ stackToasts(); }, 10) } } } }); " class="fixed block w-full group z-[99] sm:max-w-xs" :class="{ 'right-0 top-0 sm:mt-6 sm:mr-6': position=='top-right', 'left-0 top-0 sm:mt-6 sm:ml-6': position=='top-left', 'left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 top-0 sm:mt-6': position=='top-center', 'right-0 bottom-0 sm:mr-6 sm:mb-6': position=='bottom-right', 'left-0 bottom-0 sm:ml-6 sm:mb-6': position=='bottom-left', 'left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2 bottom-0 sm:mb-6': position=='bottom-center' }" x-cloak>